Now this had been a pressing problem with me and one of my friends for the past 3 years. I have this friend who also likes to read but the problem is, everything she have read has been borrowed from me. I'm not mean or anything but when she borrows books she doesn't take care of them at all. I have a rule that when people borrow my books, they should treat it very very gently and not throw it around like this particular friend does. What I don't understand is why she can't buy her own books since we are not exactly studying in a school with the cheapest tuition fee. I really spend all of my money on books because I love them and I treat my books like my babies. When asked about this particular matter, she told me that it's not worth it because, in her own words, "What would you do with them after you finish reading them?". I don't buy books for the purpose of showing off. I buy books because of the joy it brings me and because I love reading. In my opinion, it's worth it to buy books because they're like tiny worlds that you can bring everywhere and experience everything while reading them. I don't have anything against people borrowing my books or me borrowing books from other people because I sometimes do that too. What bothers me is that some people give them back to me with some kind of deformity that's not there before I gave it to them to borrow. I HATE THAT. What's worse is that when I asked them what happened, they would deny it. DON'T DENY IT. I will not make them pay if they actually were the reason/s why this book has a folded page or something. The problem is, when I lend them books, I'm not fully happy with my decision because I hate it when people borrow my books because I feel like they're borrowing something personal. That's how I really love my books. I'm really possessive of my books so if you're going to borrow one make sure to treat it like a queen.
I'm not mean though don't worry.
Cheerio and DFTBA
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