Saturday, 28 June 2014

How I and most of the people in the book community feel about spoilers

     NO. I don't know about you guys but I don't like knowing the ending of the book. I rarely get angry but when someone spoils a book to me or tells me something about it, I flip out completely. I mean, why would you do that? Why would you tell me what happened in the book? I'm reading the book so that means I like to find out what will happen myself so why would you spoil me? I especially hate it when they tell me the biggest spoiler you could ever imagine like Tris died. I didn't talk to the person who told me that for a long time. We, readers (especially us crazy ones who treats books like children), want to develop a attachment or a relationship with the characters, the universe and everything about the book but how can we do that if someone told you already what is going to happen and what happens is that I can't concentrate anymore because I'm just waiting for the thing which I know is going to happen. That sucks a lot. If I want spoilers, I'll ask you what happens in the book and not read it but if you see me reading and you spoil me, our friendship is going to be destructed (not really but I will not talk to you for quite sometime). Hopefully, you will think twice whenever you feel the need to spoil someone and if you do and that person decided to get back at you, do not get angry at them because it is you who started it.

That is all I have to say for today.

Cheerio and DFTBA

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